Our Mercy Charism
We recognise St Vincent de Paul, a priest, after whom our school is named. Vincent lived a life of service. He revolutionised religion by returning to the basics Jesus taught; feeding the hungry, comforting the afflicted, nursing the sick, caring for children and the elderly. This year in 2024, through our four-year Mercy plan, we focus on St Vincent de Paul, as one of our founding influences and explore our Mercy Quality of 'Justice and Service'.
At St Vincent's Primary School we draw on the richness of our Mercy heritage. The school motto, Misericordia, means mercy. Mercy is God's compassion in action; God's loving kindness reaching out to all. Mercy is love in action. Misericordia highlights our historical connection to the spirit of the Mercy Sisters, founded by Catherine McAuley. In 2025, through our four-year Mercy plan, we focus on Catherine McAuley, as one of our founding influences and explore our Mercy Quality of 'Faith and Spirituality'.
We also remember Fr Neal Shannon was the inaugural Parish Priest of Surfers Paradise Parish. He was responsible for building the church and school in Surfers Paradise, catering for a growing population. In 2026, through our four-year Mercy plan, we focus on Pope Francis', as one of our founding influences and explore our Mercy Quality of 'Excellence and Optimism'.
We Acknowledge that St Mary of the Cross MacKillop (Patron Saint of the Archdiocese of Brisbane) also contributes to our school charism. Mary was a compassionate leader with a deep concern for those in need. In 2027, through our four-year Mercy plan, we focus on St Mary of the Cross Mackillop, as one of our founding influences and explore our Mercy Quality of 'Care and Responsibility'.
The Mercy Way guides our daily actions. Together St Vincent's Primary School is called to be a faith-filled community, striving for excellence, to create a better future. Our covenant, together with the attributes of our religious patrons, Catherine McAuley, Mary MacKillop, St Vincent de Paul and Fr Neal Shannon, provides us with our Mercy Qualities.