School Fee Policy
The following information will outline the structure and components of school fees, the purpose of fees and the areas of the school's operation in which these funds are applied, and the policy in relation to payment of fees and methods of payments.
Fees and levies collected at St Vincent's Primary School are used for the following purposes which are aligned to the Vision and Mission of the school to:
- Provide teaching, administrative, classroom support and facilities
- Provide essential resources, materials, facilities and equipment
- Assist with providing activities such as excursions
- Support St Vincent's Primary School building program
- Maintain buildings, grounds and other facilities
St Vincent's Primary School charges a “Parent and Community Levy" to support the initiatives of the parents and community within the School.
For those families experiencing short or long-term genuine inability to pay fees, we are committed to providing support to ensure that enrolment is not compromised.
School Fee and Levy Collection Process
- School fees and levies are charged on a term basis during the first week of the term in accordance with the School Fees and Levies Schedule (available on our website).
- Fees are due to be paid within 14 days of the issue of the Statement of Fees and Levies. The due date will be noted on the statement.
- Where a parent/guardian believes financial circumstances have arisen that will prevent or delay the payment of the school fee account, a variety of options are available:
a. Extension of Time
If an extension is required, please contact the school finance office prior to the due date.
b. Payment Plans
Payment of the school fee and levy account by regular instalments. All payment
plans must ensure that the account is cleared by the last day of the school year or as
negotiated with the Principal or Finance Officer.
c. Fee Concession
In cases of financial hardship an application may be made for a fee concession.
(i) Concession applications are accepted at the commencement of each year or at any
point imitated by the family. Concessions are issued for a maximum period of 12
months within a calendar year. Consideration for a subsequent 12-month period will
require a new application.
(ii) A compassionate and just approach under the mission and values of Brisbane Catholic
Education and St Vincent's Primary School is used when reviewing applications. The
same process is adopted by all Brisbane Catholic Education schools for assessing
(iii) Concession application forms are available at the school finance office.
(iv) All matters are dealt with on a confidential basis. - Recovery of unpaid fees
In fairness to families who pay their school fees regularly and on time, St Vincent's Primary School will follow up all overdue school fee accounts.
a. A reminder statement/notice/letter will be issued within 7 days to any family who has not
settled their school fee account by the due date where a payment plan or other
arrangements are not in place.
b. If payment or a suitable response is not received within 7 days of the reminder statement,
contact with the parent will be made via telephone, mail or email.
c. If after two weeks from this second reminder satisfactory arrangements have not been
reached, the account may be sent to the college Debt Collection agency. In serious
cases, where there is clear capacity to pay outstanding fees, legal options may be
pursued by St Vincent's Primary School.
d. Legal costs, direct debit rejection fees and any debt collection costs or other costs
incurred will be at the family's expense.
Agreed Payment Plans
As mentioned in point 3b above, our school offers families the opportunity of paying the school fee account by regular instalments over the course of the year. All Agreed Payment Plans must be organised to include a regular schedule that will clear the school fees account by the last day of the school year. Any extensions to an Agreed Payment Plan must be negotiated with the Principal or Finance Officer. To establish an Agreed Payment Plan, forms are available on St Vincent's Primary School's parent portal or from the school's finance office.
Late Start Enrolment
New students entering St Vincent's Primary School after the commencement of the term may be charged on a pro-rata basis for the remaining weeks of the term where appropriate at the Principal's discretion.
Withdrawal of Enrolment
Fees will be payable for the whole term in which the enrolment is terminated. For a reduction in fees a written request must be made to the Principal at the time of notification and may be granted at the Principal's discretion.
Student text books, library books and laptops and all accessories are to be returned to the School. If any fees remain outstanding, they will be payable as per the normal payment terms and where appropriate, any fees in credit will be refunded.
Extended Leave/Holding an Enrolment Place
Fees will be payable for the whole term in which extended leave is taken. For a reduction in fees a written request must be made to the Principal at the time of notification and may be granted at the Principal's discretion. Consideration will be given to the length of the break, the nature of the leave, the time the student has been at the college, the number of previous leave occurrences, and the existence of student waiting lists.
For further clarification regarding the above school fee and levy collection process, please contact the school's finance office.
School Fees 2025
Please see below a breakdown of fees to pay weekly, fortnightly, monthly, or per term.

A new direct debit is to be completed every year.
Download the Direct Debit form here.
Please amend the direct debit form as necessary ie for each child you have in years Prep to Year 6 (and the Parish Voluntary Contribution if you wish) to the yearly school fees.
St Vincent’s School generates an all-inclusive school fee which covers the cost of all items and resources including stationery, writing implements, books and technical equipment, and camp costs (a co-payment of a proportion of the cost of the Camp/Excursion for Year 6 students will be required). Not included in the all inclusive school fee are the purchase of uniforms, optional programs eg instrumental music, speech and drama, and school photos.
School fees also pay the following –
The employment of “above schedule” staff (School Officers, Clerical, Groundsman) and associated award superannuation and workcover charge, contract payments associated with fire protection, pest control and security services. They also pay for insurances, electricity, audit fees and other professional costs, rates, cleaning supplies and telephones.
Maintenance of grounds and repairs to plant, equipment and furnishings.
Classroom and specialist resources, general office and stationery costs, copy paper, postage, professional printing and staff professional development costs. Bus transport for sports, swimming, camps and excursions, first aid supplies, life education, physical education, sports, swimming and other tuition expenses. Also included is the cost of consumable and non consumable booklist supplies to students – all year levels, and camp and excursion expenses (excluding in part, the Year 6 Camp/Excursion).
Capital expenditure involving school and office furniture and fixtures, computers and other equipment.
Payment of the Archdiocesan Education Levy to Brisbane Catholic Education. The School is invoiced on a quarterly basis, and while the levy constitutes a small percentage of overall income to Catholic Education, it is a major item of expenditure to be met by the School. Catholic Education Office recurrent expenditure includes school level staffing, various grants, central services, and other sundry costs. Archdiocesan Education Levies for 2021 are $190 per child for Primary Schools, and a Special Futures Fund Levy of $20 per child for Primary Schools.
A percentage of school fees is directed to the School Building Fund. Determination of this percentage is based on the completion of a yearly Budget for the School Building Fund. Income to the School Building Fund consists of the percentage of school fees, together with a predetermined percentage of the Parish Planned Giving (2nd Envelope) Collection of the Parish. This percentage is determined by the Parish Finance Committee.
Tax Deductibility applies to Planned Giving Only.
Expenditure of the School Building Fund includes capital school building costs, school buildings repairs and maintenance costs, cleaning, insurance (buildings), repayment of school loans, audit fees and a proportion (50%) of Parish Planned Giving costs.
Payment Method
School fees may be paid by cash, cheque, bank debit or credit card (bankcard, mastercard, visacard). EFTPOS facilities are available at the School Office. Credit card payment may be made in person at the school office, or by completing the lower portion of your fee statement and returning it to the payment box located in the school office, or by telephoning the school and providing the relevant card details.
A periodical payment authority can also be completed to have fees deducted from a bank account. This facility, lodged with the Archdiocesan Development Fund does not attract bank fees.
NOTE: Payment by cash should only be made in person and a receipt obtained at that time. Where circumstances exist to make it necessary, any claim that school fees were paid in cash must be supported by a school receipt.