Uniform Information

Ope​​​n Hours

The uniform shop is open every Tuesday morning from 8.20am - 9.00am.

All other orders can be submitted via the Munch Monitor Shop, and they will be delivered to the classrooms to go home with the children. 

​​Uniform Require​​ments

School Uniform List 2025.png​​


On new purchases of hats, bags or jackets, the embroidery is included.  If you have an item that you require embroidery only, this can be 'ordered' via munch monitor as well. 


It is school policy that all children wear the St Vincent’s School hat for all outside activities. This hat policy is fully supported by the Cancer Foundation as an effective means of protecting students from the harmful effects of over exposure to UV rays. We enforce a NO (school) HAT, NO PLAY policy. 

Prep - RED bucket hat

Years 1 to 6 - GREEN bucket hat 


Hairstyles should be neat, tidy and practical. Students with long hair (touching collars) are required to tie their hair back. Long hair must be ‘tied back’ as a preventative measure in avoiding the spread of head lice. Hair ties and headbands must be bottle green or white only. Tinted, coloured or tipped hair is not permitted. The following hairstyles are not acceptable: shaved or ‘number 1’s, mow hawks, tracks, dreadlocks and extreme undercuts. 


Students may wear a:  

  • ​Watch (All Smart Watches are to be handed into the office at the beginning of the school day). 
  • Small plain silver/gold studs or sleeper earrings (less than 1.5 cm in diameter) 
  • One stud or sleeper only per ear 
  • Religious symbol (e.g. small, plain cross worn around the neck). This is subject to Principal approval. 
  • Medic Alert necklace and/or bracelet may be worn. 


The wearing of cosmetics is not acceptable. This includes make-up, nail polish and temporary tattoos. ​


Formal Shoes (Year 2-6)

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Sport Shoes (Prep - Year 6)

Predominantly white sport shoes with white laces are required. All leather shoes are suggested. Please be aware that shoes with mesh require constant attention.         

Shoes should be clean and in good condition.

Please note that all students are required to have the correct footwear when playing at school. Any student that cannot wear the correct footwear due to a foot injury will be directed to a safe area in the playground during break times for their safety.

​​​© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Vincent’s Catholic Primary School (2023)