1:1 Device Program

​​​​​St Vincent’s Primary School provides a technology rich environment to support students with their learning. Technology is integrated across the curriculum, supporting students learning within the digital world in which we live.

Our 1: 1 program for Years 4-6 has an emphasis on the iPad Pro as a learning tool to foster and promote students’ capacity to collaborate, share information and experiences, work across the domains of the curriculum and be self-directed in their learning. The program is guided by teachers whose skill and expertise ensure that the curriculum is delivered in an engaging manner, relevant to the 21st century learner.  

Information session handout is available here.​​

Our devices

The school purchases the iPads​ and parents pay the costs over twelve terms. Parents will receive ownership of the device on the final day of Year 6, provided that all termly payments have been made prior to this time.

For your child to have 24/7 access to their device ...

  • parents must attend the Parent Information Session
  • parents must sign the 1:1 Device Program Consent Form
  • parents go through the 1:1 Device Program Policy with their child
  • computer levy must be paid​


The school covers the device 24/7.

Loss or Damage 

If the iPad is lost, stolen or damaged the student must report it to their classroom teacher as soon as practical, during school hours. School iPads are able to be tracked and deactivated if needed. An 'ICT Incident Report Form'​ is to be completed and this is available from the school's website and Parent Portal. If the theft and accidental damage occur at school, the forms are completed through the school. If loss or theft occurs outside of the school, parents/guardians are required to inform the police immediately. The Police Event Number will be required in order to complete required paperwork.​​

The iPad is covered for:​

  • Accidental damage including fire.
  • Full theft.
  • Loss in transit (must be accompanied/cabin baggage).
  • Stolen from a locked vehicle.
  • Coverage anywhere in Australia, and in transit.
  • Overseas cover (28 days/any one trip).
  • Up to original purchase price of the lost equipment.
  • Can claim up to twice the sum insured.

The iPad is not covered for:

  • Wear and tear or cosmetic damage.
  • Theft whilst unattended.
  • Theft from vehicle if unlocked or not out of sight.
  • Mechanical or electronic breakdown (warranty).
  • Consequential loss of any kind.
  • Software (normally replaceable by vendor).​

Repair Procedures

If the device or keyboard has a hardware fault during the school term, it will be logged through Apple Care, by the school, for repair or replacement of parts. Where possible, students will be given a replacement iPad while waiting for repairs. If the device has a hardware fault during school holidays, it is your responsibility to return the device to the school at the start of the Term, to facilitate repairs as required.

Who is responsible for covering the cost of a lost or damaged iPad?

Accidental damage

The iPads insurance policy will cover the cost of all accidental damage less $100 excess that is to be paid by parents. The children are responsible for their devices at all times.

Non-Accidental Damage

The school will not cover the cost of repairs when an iPad is damaged as a result of misuse where user guidelines have not been followed as outlined in this policy, the 'Student User Agreement' and the Insurance disclosure statement. The Parent/Guardian will in this case be responsible for the full cost of repairs.​

Need to make a claim?

For broken glass screen or keyboard download and complete this form​.​

For all other claims download and complete this form.

Cyber Safety

More information about Online Safety can be found on the Australian Government's eSafety Commissioner's website​. This website provides activities, resources and practical advice to help children, teens and parents safely enjoy their online world.​

Cyber Bullying Presentation ​​​


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